Sunday, 16 May 2021

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 16-05-2021

Soul Sustenance 16-05-2021

Being Happy Is The Only Way To Give Happiness

The greatest gift we want to give to our loved ones everyday, at every moment is happiness. We spend time with them, buy them physical comforts, support them, and yet they are unhappy at times. Most likely, it is because we are unhappy. Happiness is energy, not matter. Just by being happy ourselves and being happy while discharging our responsibilities, our happy vibrations radiate and trigger the happiness frequency in our loved ones and uplifts their state of mind to happiness.

Have you sensed at times that you need to make a lot more effort in sustaining your roles and responsibilities, if your mind is unhappy? Despite your extra efforts to care and provide for them, are family and friends not happy with you? Does it leave you wondering what more should you have done? We often quantify our efforts and measure our loved ones’ happiness against it. The truth is, how much we do for people doesn’t matter. What matters is how happy we were, while doing everything. While caring for people or doing something for them, let us not create thoughts of stress, fear, anxiety, anger or pain. Otherwise our negativity is sure to deplete people we do so much for, not allowing them to be happy with us. Without being happy, you cannot give happiness to others. Be happy and do everything that you need to do. It’s your energy which influences their happiness. Remind yourself - I am an embodiment of happiness. Being happy myself and then taking care of people, keeps my loved ones happy. When you experience unconditional happiness, you have nothing but happiness to give to everyone. You don’t even have to give, it automatically radiates. From today, let bliss be your natural way of living. Let nothing and no one pull you down. In every scene contribute towards creating a happy family, happy workplace and happy world by being happy always.

Message for the day 16-05-2021

The ones who are constantly happy are truly fortunate.

Expression: Whatever the kind of situations needed to be faced, whoever the people and the different kind of personalities they come into contact with, the ones who are fortunate constantly enjoy. They also continue to take benefit and bring benefit to others too. Their fortune lies in their ability to perceive the positive aspect in everything and take benefit accordingly.

Experience: When I am able to be happy under all circumstances, I am able to make the best use of whatever I have with me. I then find myself full of all resources. I don’t think of what I don’t have but I am aware of and make the best use of what I have. So I find myself to be always lucky. I constantly move forward.

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 15-05-2021

Soul Sustenance 15-05-2021

Keeping A Daily Chart At The End Of The Day

Self checking at the end of the day is extremely important for our spiritual progress and development. A useful practice in this regard is keeping a daily chart for about 3 personality points and filling it up every night. You could either check yourself with a yes or no or perform a percentage wise checking like 50% or 90% for e.g. We have mentioned below, some of the common points from which you could select to keep a daily chart.

In the entire day, today; not only in my words and actions, but also in my thoughts:

1. Did I see everyone's specialties and keep good wishes for each one, in spite of obvious weaknesses being visible?
2. Did I remain free from all forms of anger, like irritation, frustration, grudge, revenge, etc.?
3. Did I ensure that I neither give nor take sorrow, hurt, pain from anyone?
4. Did I remain free from waste and negative?
5. Did I remain ego less?
6. Did I remain untouched by name, fame, praise, insult?
7. Did I remain stable?
8. Did I remain free from judgments, criticism, jealousy, comparison, hatred, etc.?
9. Did I keep a consciousness of serving each one whom I met?
10. Did I bring the 8 main powers into practice and experience being powerful?
11. Did I remain in self-respect and give respect to everyone?
12. Did I practice being soul-conscious in actions and interactions?
13. Did I take a one minute break every hour to reflect, meditate and control the traffic of thoughts in the mind?

Message for the day 15-05-2021

Faith in one's progress brings contentment.

Expression: Even when the situation is not according to what is expected, there is contentment for the one who has faith in his own progress. Such a person will not just sit back waiting for things to change nor will he just curse his fate. Instead he'll do his best and use all his resources in bettering the situation.

Experience: The understanding that all life's situations are a training for me, automatically keeps me content in all situations. There is naturally an experience of constant progress and a feeling of having gained something from all situations.

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 14-05-2021

Soul Sustenance 14-05-2021

Pure Bites - 5 Tips For Pure Eating

It is said - You are what you eat. This means that the energy of the food you eat influences your mind and personality. Given below are 5 tips for pure eating:

1. Choose only pure and saatvik food to feed your stomach. Avoid non-vegetarian food which carries vibrations of anger, hurt, pain, fear, which the animal has secreted inside its body, while it was being killed for it to be eaten as meat.

2. While cooking food, keep a pure and positive consciousness by remembering God and listening to words of spiritual wisdom or playing soothing meditation music or spiritual songs in the background.

3. After you have finished cooking the food, offer the food to God and absorb his positive energy in meditation. Thank God for the food and fill the food with God's energy.

4. Before eating, create a positive affirmation of health and happiness in your mind for about 10-15 seconds and radiate pure and peaceful vibrations to the food through your eyes. Thank nature for giving you something beautiful and healthy to eat, which will feed and nourish you - the soul and your physical body.

5. While eating food, talk less and make sure that your conversations with others are short, sweet and positive and without any negative energy. Make sure that the television is not on while having your meal. Also, do not read the newspaper or use your phone during the meal.

Message for the day 14-05-2021

To accept advice is to ensure self-progress.

Expression: The natural state of the self is to ensure progress. Everything that is done by the self is for its progress. But the one who rejects advice rejects the progress of the self. To accept advice means to take the chance for whatever benefit that comes my way.

Experience: When someone corrects me or gives me an advice or suggestion, if I accept it in the right spirit, I’ll constantly learn from it. This will enable me to experience constant progress. I am also naturally able to give regard to everyone I come into contact with and remain in constant happiness.

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 13-05-2021

Soul Sustenance 13-05-2021

Mental Churning And Its Benefits (Part 3)

Whenever you start the day, create a few positive thoughts in your mind. Go for a walk or get ready for the day, keeping these thoughts and thinking about them. Also, ensure that before you do that, you read something which will fill your mind with positive thoughts. Remember, if an empty mind tries to think positive and create positive thoughts, it tires easily and in fact feels stressed. Try one day creating positive thoughts after filling your mind with positive information and the next day create positive thoughts when your mind is completely blank and see the difference. The energy and enthusiasm which you feel inside yourself after thinking deeply with a mind full of positive thoughts is much more than with an empty mind.

This can be compared with the process of churning cream to get butter. If you try and churn an empty vessel without cream, will you get butter or if you try and churn a vessel partially filled with cream, will you get butter of a high quality? On the other hand, you will experience tiredness. In the same way, when you have information in the mind, you build on it and multiply the positive information by adding new perspectives, view points and angles to the knowledge. This is called churning of knowledge to create the butter of spiritual power. So, always remember to backup positive affirmations in your mind with lots of extra information which is like a cushion on which you rest and play with the points of knowledge. It is like throwing a ball in a closed room and letting it bounce from wall to wall. In the same way, churning knowledge is not simply repeating what you have read but creating a movement of the knowledge inside the room of your mind. This helps in experiencing happiness as a result of that. Such an exercise, when done over many days, creates soul power and strengthens our mind. In fact, it makes us extremely positive and free from negative and unnecessary thoughts that waste our mental energy when indulged in repeatedly.

Message for the day 13-05-2021

Humility enables one to serve others.

Expression: The one who is humble is the one who is complete and full. So just like a tree which is laden with fruit, bowing down and offering all it has humbly, the one who is full is ready for service. He is available for others to take benefit from whatever resources are there with him. This humility earns respect from others and gives happiness to all.

Experience: When I am able to bow down with the awareness of what I have, I am fully in the stage of my self-respect. the more I am able to bow, the more others also bow down with regard to me and respect my fortune. This enables me to be a giver to those around me and experience contentment - constantly.

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 12-05-2021

Soul Sustenance 12-05-2021

Mental Churning And Its Benefits (Part 2)

A beautiful mind leads to a beautiful personality which shows itself through our thoughts, words and actions. So taking utmost care of the mind in the early morning hours is extremely important because the absorption capacity of the mind at that time is very high. Giving instructions to it in the form of thoughts based on the soul and the Supreme Soul makes the mind soul-conscious. This is a training to the mind to keep its remembrance oriented towards the soul i.e. its own spiritual self and the Father of the spiritual self, who is God, the entire day after that.

At any point of time on any particular day, if you have had a bad day, you could check how the start of that particular day was. You will realize that a bad start of the day very often leads to the remaining day being spent negatively. Also, a day which started positively in the company of your loved ones or a day which started by hearing a good piece of news or imbibing positive information or by watching a good program of spirituality on television will normally be spent positively. On the other hand, a day which started with watching or listening to negative news on the TV of accidents, death and violence or by reading a negative piece of information or with an argument with someone will be followed by a day with negative events. Why is this so? The thoughts are given shape in the morning and they act accordingly in the day after that. Also, the thoughts inside the mind in the night, before sleeping, have an influence on the state of mind the next morning and that in turn affects the whole day and is carried inside till the night. So, it is a cyclic process and to keep the cycle positive, the start has to be made every morning. As they say - as the food, so the mind i.e. physical food eaten of a good spiritual feel or positive energy level or saatvik in nature influences the mind positively. On the other hand, food eaten of low energy levels or tamsic in nature will influence the mind negatively. That holds true for physical food eaten by us. In the same way, food for thought, as they say i.e. the quality of our thoughts also influences our state of mind and complete inner state and how we feel.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 12-05-2021

A single step of courage brings a lot of progress.

Expression: The understanding that one can do a lot and reach great heights, enables one to take courageously a step forward. With each step taken with courage, there is a hundred-fold help received. Also courage means to understand the accurate method of achieving things. When there is this kind of courage, there is a lot of progress in whatever is being done.

Experience: The aim to achieve the best enables me to have the courage to take a step forward in all situations. So I am able to be light yet powerful under all circumstances. Because I also find myself receiving help, I am able to further increase my own courage. There is nothing to stop me, but I continue to experience progress, in both the positive and negative situations of life.

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 11-05-2021

Soul Sustenance 11-05-2021

Mental Churning And Its Benefits (Part 1)

Starting the day on a positive note sets the foundation for a day filled with positivity and purpose. There was once a gardener who used to take utmost care of his plants. He started the day in their presence, watering them and ensuring that they were nourished with the right amount of sunlight and the right type of soil. The gardener’s love for the plants used to reflect in the way his plants started being loved by everyone around him. When people sometimes used to ask him the secret of his beautiful plants, he would give credit to the early morning sustenance that he would give his plants. This would ensure that they grew positively throughout the day.

We all also have to create thoughts, speak words and perform actions throughout the day. All of these need to be perfection filled so that even other people around us are full of praises for them. It’s easier said than done especially with so many people around us with different personalities and different ways of thinking and also sometimes with their own priorities. These sometimes take us away from our path of perfection and our thoughts, words and actions are not of as high a quality as we wish. In such cases, we forget that the foundation of a day full of perfect thoughts, words and actions is laid in the morning by beginning the day on a positive note. Here by positive we mean reading a paragraph or two of positive information. This is a like an exercise to shape our thoughts which keeps them fit for the whole day, which as a result keeps our words and actions full of purity and positivity. At the Brahma Kumaris, we make it a point to absorb spiritual knowledge before starting the day. This is because we have realized the significance of that, in keeping our thoughts, words and actions beautiful the whole day. Just like the garden requires early morning attention, the garden of our mind which consists of the flowers of thoughts, feelings, emotions and attitudes requires attention in the morning. This keeps our complete personal landscape consisting of thoughts, words and actions, beautiful the whole day.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 11-05-2021

Love for positivity brings progress.

Expression: When I have love for positivity, I will not be able to have negative thoughts for a long time. I will naturally put in effort, both internally and externally to come back to positivity. So this positivity spreads around to others too and serves in creating a positive environment.

Experience: Because of my love for positivity, I begin to enjoy creating and maintaining positive thoughts. When there is experience of positivity within, there is the natural desire to sustain it. Then no negative thoughts or feelings are encouraged. Slowly I find myself being only positive.

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 10-05-2021

Soul Sustenance 10-05-2021

Don’t Copy Other People, Be Your Own Good Self

Each of us has grown up with values, and taught to be kind to everyone around us. But we often exhibit a behaviour of dependency – we are nice to people only when they are nice to us. If they behave wrongly with us in small or big ways, we feel an impulse to strike back in the name of tit for tat or an eye for an eye. We copy people’s wrong behaviors and give up our inherent goodness. From today, start living by your own value-compass, no matter what. Holding on to your qualities when you are tempted to copy others’ wrong behaviour, increases your inner power. Remind yourself - Irrespective of my environment and people, I use my original qualities in every situation. Irrespective of the other’s behavior, I am caring and kind to them.

When someone is nice to you, are you extra-nice to them? And if someone is not nice to you, do you get back in a big way? Do you catch yourself becoming an imitation of the people you meet, as you reflect their mannerisms? People behave with us differently on different days, depending on their mood, nature, circumstance, perspective or environment. They may argue, betray, scold or ignore me. There is always a chance of them being rude or disrespectful. We have three options: To reflect their behaviour and deplete our virtues, To absorb their behaviour and go into pain, and To transform their energy by radiating our inherent goodness. If we keep copying people’s behaviors, we lose our own identity and virtues. It’s their life, their energy, their karma and their destiny. We need not respond the same way as they behave. We have the power to be nice to everyone, including with those who are not right to us. Understand people and don’t hurt them back. Let them be their way, you be yours. Let your behaviour be a reflection of your personality. Don’t copy their behaviors and don’t reflect their personality. Using my qualities consistently keeps me happy, contented and successful and earns blessings from other people.

Message for the day 10-05-2021

Life’s situations are a game for the one who is prepared to face challenges.

Expression: For the one who is a skilled player, every situation, however challenging it may be, seems like a game. Even the most difficult situation is faced bravely, knowing that it has come to teach something and increase the skill within. So such a person becomes a source of support to those around during difficult times.

Experience: When I am aware of my own skills and specialities, I am able to face all life’s situations with lightness and confidence. I enjoy everything that comes my way. I also am able to experience progress as I use all situations as a means for further increasing my own potential.

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 16-05-2021

Soul Sustenance 16-05-2021 Being Happy Is The Only Way To Give Happiness The greatest gift we want to give to our loved ones everyday, at ev...